
College Academic-Social Skills Coach

Academic-Social Skills Coaching

John, not his real name, a freshman was having difficulty managing his life on campus.  He spent most of his time in his room playing video games or watching Netflix, went to bed a 2-3 am missed classes and was turning in late assignments. By midterm, not only had John gained weight, he had no […]

Social engineering to improve social deficits

In a recent article in Attitude magazine, a magazine that offers strategies and support for people and their families with ADHD and LD, a mom created a Facebook birthday event for her son with Asperger syndrome.  No one wanted to come to her son’s 13th birthday  and her son was upset.  She decided to with […]

Sensory Processing Disorder: Symptom of Autism

“I only eat Cheerios for breakfast.” says one of my clients on the autism spectrum.  People on the autism spectrum often have reduced palates. Sensory processing disorders can impact speech and language.

7000 students drop out everyday!!

7000 Students drop out of high school every day in New England!! Is that possibly true?  I recently took a trip to NYC and on the ride back I passed a billboard with that statistic.

Weak working memory or ADHD?

Working memory is defined as the function that allows us to hold information in our head while dealing with additional information. Who knew that a deficit in working memory can look much like ADHD. There is a debate over whether weak working memory can be improved, and whether or not some diagnosed with ADHD perhaps […]