
Mindblindness vs Context blindness

Replacing the generic term of “mindblindness,” often used to refer to people on the autism spectrum, with a more specific term such as “context blindness” has been proposed by Peter Vermeulen, PhD.   Simon Baron-Cohen created the term “mindblindness,” to refer to the deficit  people on the autism spectrum have in reading others mental states. This term […]

Social engineering to improve social deficits

In a recent article in Attitude magazine, a magazine that offers strategies and support for people and their families with ADHD and LD, a mom created a Facebook birthday event for her son with Asperger syndrome.  No one wanted to come to her son’s 13th birthday  and her son was upset.  She decided to with […]

Foundation of Language: Non-verbal Communication

Two toddlers share a ball. An infant looks into his mother’s eyes and smiles, and his mother smiles back.  A baby screams because he is hungry or wet, and his father consistently responds to his cries by giving him his bottle or changing his diaper causing the baby to associate his cries with getting his needs met. […]

Good language skills and success

“Could you please load up my reusable grocery bags? Heavy bags are fine.”  These are the direction I often give the bagger at my local grocery store. Today, I was pleasantly surprised when I was handed my bag with a smile. I thanked the young woman, and walked away thinking, “ I hope that young […]