Creating an environment of success

There is motivation that comes from within and motivation generated from external rewards. Working for money is an example of external motivation. Volunteering is an example of internal motivation. We all are motivated in a variety of ways. When working with a young adult with a learning disability motivation is often a primary issue. After …

Motivation: The Circle Part I

If a young adult is not motivated in school because of prior academic experiences, who is responsible for motivating them? Should the child be responsible for self-motivating or is it the teachers’ or parents responsibility to motivate them? Day after day, some students with language based disabilities meet academic failure,”F’s” and “D’s” on assignments, demeaning …


My biggest lesson I learned from my continued reading journey with my daughter is that I need to calm down and relax. She is reading. She has a great imagination and can visualize what is happening in a story without pictures. Visualization is an important skill that is necessary for good reading comprehension. Most of …

What did I learn teaching my daughter to read?

Of course, the reading adventure continues and my investigation also continues. After a parent teacher conference I’m told my daughter can read “J” level books, but because most of the students in the class are not on “J” level there are not many of those books in the class. I asked my daughter if she …

An Early Reading Adventure: Part III

While helping my daughter learn to read, I have explored the world of literacy in a much more personal way. Pre-reading activities such as reading together everyday, rhyming, story telling etc. have always been apart of our regular activities. I tried four different approaches to teach my daughter the sound system. First, we started with …